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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"How's your garbage bag?"

I coach married couples from across the country. (Go to www.StayMarriedForever.org to discover more.) The very first part of the coaching has to do with conflict management, i.e., learning how you typically react when a disagreement happens.

One of the conflict management styles we talk about has to do with avoiding conflict; just not talking about it or dealing with it. Some people, for whatever reason, refuse to deal with a disagreement so they stuff it. I liken it to their carrying a garbage bag around on their back and when something comes up with their spouse, or even a boss or employee or neighbor or family member that is a problem, they stuff it in their garbage bag.

Well, you can imagine that the garbage bag gets pretty heavy after a while…and smelly. When it gets too heavy and smelly, then it’s going to get dumped…and you’re not always real particular about who gets it either.

Today, throw your garbage away…empty it in a safe place…and talk out your problems with God’s help, okay?


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