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Monday, November 12, 2007

"How’s your attitude?"

A friend was learning to fly. You are required to wear blinders when you are learning so that you are trained in how to look only at the instruments on your dash, not at the airspace around you.

He was given an order to increase his altitude to so many thousands of feet, which he began doing. All of a sudden, the instructor yanked the blinders off of my friend and said, "You were so concerned about your altitude, but now look at your attitude!"

Your wings relation to the horizon is your attitude in flying jargon. My friend was so concerned with climbing to the right altitude that he was about to go into a spin that could have been fatal. He forgot to pay attention to his relationship to the horizon around him.

It’s so easy for you and me to forget about those around us in our pursuit to climb higher and higher in life each day. Today, remember those people flying around you and your relationship with them. After all, what good is success if you’re the only one enjoying the rare air? Make a life, not just a living today.


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