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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"How's your car running?"

Imagine with me for a moment that before you start your car or truck each morning to go to work or school or wherever else you’re going that you put six grains of sand in your gas tank. That’s right, six grains of sand in your gas tank.

Okay, it’s only six grains of sand, but if you do it every morning, how long do you think it’ll take before your vehicle won’t run? Soon, right? That great engine would be a mess, unable to do what it was designed to do.

Negative, unpleasant thoughts dropped into your spirit affect you in the same way. They break down your spiritual motor. You’re broken down by worry, frustration, and feelings like you don’t matter to anyone. Pretty soon, you’re broken down beside life’s highway and you can’t go on.

The next time you’re worried, frustrated, or imagine you don’t matter to anyone, drop your negativity like a handful of sand. Instead, put this positive thought in its place; say it to yourself, "God loves me because there’s nobody on earth like me."

And then listen to life so you can make a life, not just a living.


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This couldn't have come to me at a better time. I have alot going on and pray every morning before my feet hit the floor. That I can just deal with it and not really expect anything else. It is has gotten so bad that even panic sets in if I think about issues too much. Bless You!!!!!


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