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Monday, June 20, 2005

"Do you have a cat's life?"

A couple of months ago, in honor of National Humor Month, I shared some letters dogs might write to God. Apparently there are lots of dog lovers around because I received email and comments on our blog. And there must be lots of cat lovers around as well because I received email and comments about giving cats equal time.

So in a spirit of fair play, here are some letters cats might write to God.

“Dear God, when we get to heaven, can we scratch on your couch? Or is it the same ole story?

“Dear God, if a cat yowls his head off in the middle of a forest and no human hears him, does he still get yelled at?

“Dear God, is it true there’s an eternal supply of catnip in heaven? And that fast food is mice on roller skates?

“Dear God, will I hark up hair balls in heaven? If I do, will I still have to make those embarrassing coughing sounds in that funny position?”

Laugh out loud as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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