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Sunday, January 18, 2009

"What difference does your work make?"

I was talking with a man who runs a dry cleaning business. We were talking about his business and the most fulfilling parts of what he does.

He told me the story about how a family’s home burned and one of the only things they salvaged was the little girl’s teddy bear. Now this teddy bear was in pretty rough shape. He had soot and stains all over him. He was soaked from the fire hoses and didn’t smell very good. But the little girl absolutely loved this teddy bear and it was all she had left.

So this man took on the mission of cleaning up the teddy bear. He worked on the little bear’s soot stains until you couldn’t see them anymore. He cleaned up and sanitized him so that he smelled all better. And he said, “That was one happy little girl when I was through.”

He went on to say, “And that’s why I do what I do. I get to make a difference.”What difference does your work make in someone’s life? Look for an opportunity today to make a difference through your job as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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