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Monday, April 14, 2008

"Are you ready on time?"

The animals decided to have their own version of the Super Bowl. And they chose as teams The Big Animals and The Little Animals.

The Big Animals dominated the first half of the game. At halftime, the score was 35-0.

To start the second half, the coach sent The Lion in to run the ball. "Boom!" down went The Lion at the line of scrimmage. He came off the field and the coach screamed, "What happened?" and all The Lion could say was, "the centipede."

So the coach put The Elephant in to carry the ball. He went down at the line, also. "Coach, it was the centipede" was all he could utter.

Then the coach put The Rhino in the game to take the ball. This time it was a huge "Boom!" as The Rhino fell at the line, injuring him. He whispered "the centipede" as the medics carried him off the field.

So the coach screams, "Hey centipede! Where were you in the first half?"

And the centipede yells back, "Putting on my shoes!"

As you go out to play the game of life today, make sure you’re ready on time so you won’t miss a single opportunity to make a life, not just a living.


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