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Sunday, May 03, 2009

"How deep are your roots?"

I loved azaleas when I was growing up. Their captivating floral displays among the pines always announced that the winter doldrums were past and spring definitely had arrived. Picture postcard azaleas were part and parcel of a wonderful life.

So when I moved away, I decided to bring some of those marvelous, springtime beauties to our yard. I planted about 20 azaleas around some maple trees in our front yard. I prepared the beds carefully, making sure I didn’t disturb the shallow roots of the maples. I watered them faithfully, and watched for them to burst into color any day.

But they didn’t. In fact, they never did. They died.

I had a master gardener come over to diagnose the situation for me. He looked things over, and told me, “Maples have shallow roots which means they suck up all of the surface water. Azaleas are shallow-rooted, too. They were after the same water and really didn’t stand a chance with the maples.”

To make a life, not just a living, grow your roots down deep into God and draw up all the nourishment you


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