"What's your choice?"
A friend who listens to life with us through our website at www.ListentoLife.org emailed me recently to thank me for a story that particularly inspired her. She mentioned that her mother died a few months ago and that they were together when her mom took her last breath.
"I’ve had to be at my strongest, my bravest, and my brightest and go on for my family," she wrote.
She went to her parents’ home one weekend recently and walked into her mother’s kitchen. Reality hit her—her mom wasn’t there waiting, keeping something warm on the stove.
She decided in that moment that instead of continuing to grieve, she would be grateful; grateful she had such a strong, compassionate mother to pattern her own life after.
You have similar moments as you listen to life, moments in which you choose between staying stuck and moving forward. Be like this friend of mine. Listen to your life and be grateful for what you have, and make a life today.
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