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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Do you know a protein?"

A grandmother told me a story recently about one of her grandchildren. One of her granddaughters, we’ll call her Julie, went to a birthday party for her cousin. Now Julie is several years younger than her cousin.

The grandmother asked Julie how she enjoyed her cousin’s birthday party. Julie said she had a great time and talked about what she and the "big girls" did. Turns out it was a make-over party so all of them did lots of girly stuff like get their make-up done by a professional; that kind of thing.

So Julie tells her grandmother about all of these "big girl" activities and then says, "Well Grandmother, you know my cousin is a protein now."

"A protein?" says the Grandmother. "What do you mean she’s a protein?"

"Oh Grandmother," Julie says. "You don’t know anything. She’s a protein. You know, she’s almost a teenager so she’s a protein."

I’ve said something similar, haven’t you? My basic philosophy is to go ahead and admit my ignorance about something because I’ll display it later anyway. Laugh at your mistakes as you listen to life and make a life today.


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