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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Coincidence or Providence?"

A friend who listens to life through our syndicated radio show (www.syndicatedsolutions.com) wrote recently following the story I shared about a young man going for a physical exam and discovering that he and the nurse were born on the same day in the same hospital.

My friend said that he went to a birthday party for another friend. He knew that the two of them have the same birthday. Curious, he began asking her more, like where she was born and what time. And it turns out that they were not only born on the same day, but in the same hospital. And because it was a smaller hospital, their mothers must have had the same doctor so they labored together.

You know, with 6.5 billion or so people here on planet earth, what are the odds that these two would ever see each other and discover their shared birth?

The longer I live, the less I believe in coincidence—some kind of random happening—and the more I believe in providence—God actively involved in our lives. Discover what you believe as you listen to life and make a life today.


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