"How quickly do you forget?"
You can imagine how when the temperature went from 18 degrees with ten inches of snow to 82 degrees in less than a week, it was really easy for me to forget that it had actually snowed. Snow is a distant memory when you’re walking behind a lawn mower, cleaning up leaves so the spring grass will grow.
So I’m walking behind the mower and stop to empty the bagger and pause to look out across one of the horse pastures. I can see water moving down the mountain on my neighbor’s farm and emptying into a culvert to pass on down stream. When I see the water flowing, I remember the ten inches of snow and realize that it’s still melting and moving down from the mountain.
Sometimes it’s easy for you and me to forget something we do, hoping that no one noticed or that since it’s over with, it’s gone. But it’s not. The consequences of our actions follow you sometimes for years, even generations. Those consequences are hard to endure, aren’t they?
God’s grace is with you, saving you from the full brunt of those consequences and helping you make a life, not just a living each and every day.
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