"Are you 'just looking' at life?"
Our family went shopping for our older daughter’s birthday present. You know that means we walked through every clothing store in the place.
We walked into one store and a nice young lady asked, "May I help you?" and we said, "We’re just looking."
Well, rather than assume we meant, "Go away, I have no intention of buying anything here," she said something like, "We’re having a really great sale on our tops. They’re reduced 25% and they’re so cute. They’re on the rack in the corner. Let me know if I can help you."
Of course, the "reduced 25%" caught my ear, "they’re so cute" caught our daughter’s ear, and I don’t have to tell you that we left that store with one of those cute deals.
As you shop around God’s world, and God asks, "May I help you?," even if you say, "I’m just looking," keep listening because God has something for you—a cute deal called your life. So instead of just looking, try listening to life and making a life, not just a living.
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