"Do you want to be a superhero?"
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a superhero. I pretended that I had X-ray vision and could see through walls to watch the "bad guys" robbing a bank. And I could leap tall buildings in a single bound.
When I got tired of being Superman, then I imagined that I had a spider-like agility, that I had sixth sense and could tell where danger lurked around the corner, and I could climb up walls and stick to them.
Well, when I got tired of being Spiderman, then I pretended that I had this superhuman, freakish strength, that I had the temper of an enraged rhino, a brain the size of a walnut, and was green all over.
But then I even tired of being the Incredible Hulk. So I grew up and decided that it was okay that I wasn’t Superman or Spiderman or the Incredible Hulk. That it was just fine to be who I am—a child of God.
Today, when you’re tempted to be someone other than who you are, take off your cape or cowl and wipe off the green body paint, and just be the wonderful you God created. And make a life, not just a living.
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