"Growing older?"
Last month, I shared with you some of my Listen to Life experiences in growing older at midlife such as being given senior beverages without asking or being old enough to receive them. And did I mention that people repeatedly ask my wife if she’s my older daughter?
Well, evidently there are lots of us enjoying growing older at midlife because the emails poured in from our website at www.ListentoLife.org. A woman who turned 50 this year wrote to ask, "You know how I tell my age? I tell my friends, ‘I’m not at the dawn of my life, nor at the dusk of life. The sun shines brightest at noon day. These are the years I will shine my most brilliant and I intend to no matter what I do. Though the vessel changes, the clay remains the same.’"
That’s really good, don’t you think? "The sun shines brightest at noon day." I have lots of opportunities to shine as my head grows balder daily!
She included a PS: "Take the senior discounts!"
Life is fun every day God gives you, isn’t it? So whatever age you are, enjoy yourself as you make a life, not just a living today.
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