"What are you afraid of?"
One of the things I remember from trick-or-treating as a child at Halloween is that my younger brother was scared to death of ghosts. Or, actually other kids dressed as ghosts.
He and I would walk from one neighbor’s house to another and all of a sudden, he would scream and start crying. I would look around and there was a kid dressed as a ghost. I would hug him until "the ghost" walked on by.
He was afraid of ghosts not because they were ghosts but because they were dressed in all white. You see he had surgery a couple of times when he was a baby and later as a preschooler. All of the OR people wore white as did the other nurses and doctors. He associated their white dress and the white sheets of "the ghosts" with pain.
You know, we’ve had a lot of pain in the world this year—war, hurricanes, financial failures. It’s easy for you to associate that pain with every dark shadow in life and be frightened of lots of things.
Ask God to hug you until your ghosts walk on by as you listen to life and make a life.
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