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Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Do you believe in angels?"

I’m still learning more and more about angels today.

Matthew is nine years old and says, "It’s not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven. Then there’s still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes."

Antonia, 9, believes, "All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn’t go for it."

Sarah is as mystified as I am about angels, and says, "What I don’t get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them."

Eight-year-old Molly says, "I hear angels all the time in my dreams. And I’m sticking with that no matter how many people tell me I’m crazy."

Vicki is also 8 and believes that "Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don’t make the animals get better, they help the kid get over it."

Whatever you believe about angels, sounds like they’re all around us, doesn’t it? Helping us listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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