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Sunday, April 01, 2007

"Having one of those days?"

Do you ever have just one of those days? Where for no apparent reason, nothing goes right, or at least the way you want? And all your plans, your hopes, your dreams seem a million miles away?

I was having one of those days last month. It seemed like everything I tried was going nowhere fast. I know it wasn’t really that bad, but it sure seemed that way.

I had an appointment outside of my office, so I got in our vehicle, backed out of the garage, and headed down the driveway. I turned up the radio and guess who was on it? That’s right! Our syndicated radio show was on.
So I listened to the story and when I do that, usually I critique it, listening for how I can improve the show. But something different happened that day. I really listened to the story, not to evaluate but to elevate my day. The story ended by talking about how God has a plan already and we simply follow it.

A real sense of peace came over me and I thanked God for having my life’s plan even on an off-day. See what happens when you listen to life?


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