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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Got junk?"

Our website, www.listentolife.org, has visitors from about 50 countries around the world every month. That means I get tons of email. All of this email from our website also means that I get a very large volume of junk email. You know the kind. Email advising me on which stocks to buy and asking for my bank account number because I’ve won the lottery and suggesting improvements I could make to my love life. It’s all junk email and not worth the time to delete it.

Junk arrives in other forms as well. Junk thoughts try to get in your mind when you’re talking with coworkers around the coffee pot and someone says, "Did you hear about…" and spreads gossip. Junk thoughts assault your brain when you choose to listen to a constant barrage of negative news 24/7. Junk thoughts knock on the door of your attitude when you choose to see your glass as chronically half-empty.

Ask God to give you a mental junk filter, the wisdom to know what to hear and let in your mind and what to delete as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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