"Do you assume?"
Click here to listen to Dr. Joey tell his story!
It was a beautiful Saturday after a rainy week. I was so happy to be outside, mowing the horse pastures on my tractor.
I noticed after a few hours of mowing that the tractor was hard to steer. And it kept getting harder and harder… I was literally standing up to steer. I thought to myself, “I don’t what needs some grease, but something does.”
So I started looking around for a grease fitting, all the while continuing to roll on and mow. I kept looking around and looking around…until I noticed that my front tire was flat. I had to stop.
Well, I felt pretty ignorant at best and stupid at worst that I hadn’t noticed it earlier. That I had assumed I knew what the tractor needed…but was wrong.
Do you ever make the same mistake with your life? Something is wrong. Life is harder and harder, and you just keep on going, but you assume you know what you need…until it’s too late and the problem becomes apparent and you have to stop.
Don’t assume today. Ask God for help as you make a life, not just a living…before you have to stop.
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