"Is your world perfect?"
I was at the coast, enjoying a few minutes between meetings; sitting outdoors. And it was a beautiful day. The sun shone warmly. The birds sang sweetly. The breeze stirred gently. All was right with the world, until…
…about six minutes later, thunderheads block the sun. The birds flew for cover. The gentle breeze turned first brisk, then harsh. A storm disrupts my perfect day. All was wrong with the world, until…
…about eleven minutes later, the sun shone warmly again. The birds sang sweetly again. The breeze stirred gently again. The world was back to right.
Life’s storms come and life’s storms go, just like my experience at the coast, don’t they? But that’s hard to remember when you’re in the middle of one of those storms, wouldn’t you say?
Remind yourself the next time a life storm ruins your perfect world that this storm will pass, it won’t last forever, and that God is with you in the storm and in the sunshine, coaching you to listen to life and make a life, not just a living.
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