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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"When were you last transplanted?"

I recently was gone for a week, coaching some groups about how to listen to life and make a life, not just a living. During this week, my wife came up to my office and kidnapped one of my plants. We call it a spider plant.

This spider plant was unusually large because I had taken good care of it. So my wife takes this huge spider plant out of its pot, and divides it into not one or two, but five spider plants. She repots all of them into five separate pots, and waters and feeds them well.

So I come back to my office and notice that the plant is gone and been replaced by a smaller one. I ask what happened and she tells me, "Well, before long, your plant will be as large as the previous one. And now I have two on the front porch, one to give to a friend, one to put in the kitchen, and another is going in a room yet to be determined."

What I quickly realized is that sometimes you have to be repotted before you can grow. God made you to grow, and that means you require transplanting every now and then. So repot and grow as God made you to as you make a life.


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