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Sunday, July 06, 2008

"Are you in a storm?"

You can usually hear the rumble in the distance before you can see any of it. And you can usually smell it in the air. And then you can see it quite some ways away. And only after all of this happens, you can see it coming at you, watching it move like a curtain unfolding across the landscape.

What am I talking about? A summer thunderstorm at the beach.

It rumbles in the distance before you can see it. "Where did that come from?" you ask.

You smell it in the air, the heavy dampness. "Smells like rain," you say.

And when you look out across the sand and surf, you see that large black cloud. "Looks like a big one," you say.
Shortly you see the rain coming and you go inside to wait it out.

Like summer thunderstorms at the beach, you can hear and smell and see some of life’s storms before they assault you. When you do, go inside of God’s protective love and wait it out. And that’s how you listen to life and make a life, not just a living and survive your storms today.


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