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Monday, June 30, 2008

"Do you make a life, not just a living?"

A friend who listens to life with us through our website at www.ListentoLife.org emailed recently to tell me she has retired. The first week, she says, she didn’t work. She felt like she had called in sick. By the second week, she felt like she was on vacation every day. The third week she started to relax a bit and enjoy her retirement.

Now a few months later, she says that she’s in that wonderful stage to plan special events with her husband, children, grandchildren and friends. According to her, money isn’t what makes these activities great because most of them cost her nothing financially. For example, she enjoys watching the birds with her husband of 42 years. She talks to her children on the telephone as often as possible and to hear them say, "I love you, Mom."
She holds both of her grandchildren on her lap and reads Winnie the Pooh to them.

Did you know that you can do these wonderful things that she does without being retired? Focus your time and energy today to make a life, not just a living by listening to your life today for what God has to say.


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