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Monday, April 21, 2008

"What's your choice?"

I recently took some time off from my usual pursuits to create my wife’s birthday present. I asked her what she wanted and she said, "For you to paint the kitchen." So that’s what I did during my vacation—I painted the kitchen.

Maybe you’re thinking, "That’s not much of a vacation," but for me it is. I enjoy painting. But painting the kitchen turned out to be quite a challenge.

Our kitchen has six windows and five doors. It also has three large shelves with decorative trim and lots of molding. I thought I’d just paint the kitchen in a day or two, then move on, but painting the kitchen took lots more time than I thought.

So I had a choice—grow impatient, make a mess, and go outdoors. Or, relax and enjoy, do a great job painting, and focus on making my wife a Happy Birthday. I chose to relax and eventually I got outdoors. And it took me about the same amount of time painting as if I grew impatient.

Today you’ll face a similar choice—grow impatient because things aren’t going like you hoped or relax and enjoy. To really make a life, relax and enjoy and have a Happy Day!


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