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Sunday, April 20, 2008

"What's in your yard?"

The spring showers have come in the part of the world where I live which means that the grass is turning green…you know, that beautiful shade of spring green that tells you winter is over…and the weeds are coming.

I stood looking out on our beautiful green yard recently, and seeing all of those little yellow flowers mixed in with the grass—dandelions. I stood there trying to decide whether or not to put some "weed and feed" on the yard; you know, that stuff that kills the dandelions and feeds the grass. I wanted the dandelions killed, but feeding the grass would mean I’d have to mow it more often, taking up more of my time.

Well, as I stood there, trying to decide, our younger daughter walked up, put her arm around me and said, "Aren’t the yellow flowers beautiful, Daddy? Let’s pick some."

I saw weeds. She saw flowers. Of course, I decided not to weed and feed, but to spend my time picking yellow flowers with her.

See the flowers, not the weeds as you listen to life and make a life today.


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