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Monday, April 07, 2008

"What if that guy was God?"

One of my coaching clients emailed me recently. It seems he was walking into a Starbucks recently when he noticed a guy standing outside the door. The man’s face obviously had suffered from severe burns and his hands, too. The disfigurement he had made it kind of hard for my client to look at the guy. The guy stood there, with his burned hand out, asking for money. He was panhandling. My client walked on quickly, not making eye contact, just as everyone else did.

As my client stood in line for his coffee, he started thinking, "Aren’t we here to help others? To make the world a better place? Isn’t that part of making a life, not just a living that Dr. Joey talks about? And what if that’s God standing there, disguised? And I just walked past God?"

He got his coffee and went to his vehicle where he cleaned out all of his change—a couple of dollars worth—and gave it to "God" standing outside of Starbucks; and made the world a little better place to live…at least for a day.

Make a life, not just a living today…God is closer than you think.


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