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Monday, April 28, 2008

"Changed your perspective lately?"

Well, believe it or not, I finally finished painting the kitchen in our home. I passed my wife’s inspection, sang "Happy Birthday" to her since it was her present, and got out of the way so she could redecorate the room the way she wanted.

Sometime later, I returned to the kitchen after she had been busy putting up her baskets and glassware and whatever you call all of that other "stuff" that you use to decorate your kitchen. The colors I painted with are really different from the previous colors so the whole room looks different. I walked around admiring the room. Then I started asking my wife, "Where did this come from?"

"Oh," she said, "that was in here before, just on that other wall."

"Okay," I said. "And where did we get this?" as I pointed at a knick-knack.

"We’ve had that," she replied. "Don’t you remember? It was a wedding gift. It’s just on a different shelf now."

Everything looked different to me because it was in a different place.

Bored with your life? Change your perspective by asking God to move some things around for you as you listen to life.


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