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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"Do you want to take it all with you?"

There was a man who had worked all of his life and had saved all of his money. He loved money more than just about anything, and just before he died, he said to his wife, "Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I want to take my money with me." And she promised.

Well, one day he died. When the funeral was finished, just before the undertakers closed the casket, the wife said, "Wait a minute!" She had a shoebox with her and came over and placed it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away.

Her friend said, "I hope you weren't crazy enough to put all that money in the casket."

She said, "Yes, I promised. I told him that I was going to put the money in that casket with him. So I wrote him a check."

We can try, but we just can’t take it with us, can we? Do your best to listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.


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