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Sunday, October 29, 2006

"Is there a purpose for every season?"

Have you noticed with the change of seasons comes less daylight? When I get up in the mornings, it’s dark. There’s just not as much daylight now.

I understand all about the earth’s rotation and the seasons and distance from the sun. But somehow having less daylight affects me. I feel more tired at the end of the day, because it gets dark so much earlier. In the summer, when it’s light until nine some evenings, I go home and work in the yard or cut the grass. I have all kinds of energy. Now it seems like I’m ready for bed by nine.

I guess there’s a rhythm to life, isn’t there? A beat that is fast sometimes and slow others. There’s a purpose to every season. I mean I couldn’t work forever at a summer pace. So maybe the purpose of fall is to slow you down a bit, to get you to back off of the throttle for a while and coast a little more, to help you remember to breathe deeply, to force you to find a lower gear.

Find your rhythm in this season, hopefully a slower pace, and enjoy this season for what it is as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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