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Monday, June 27, 2005

"How do you touch life?"

Okay, so call me old-fashioned, retro, or a stick-in-the-mud, but I really like listening to music played on vinyl records. I know, I know—the quality’s not as good as a CD what with all of those pops and cracks and skips. I know—I can’t take a turntable to the gym and listen to tunes while I work out.

Just so you’ll know, our family has multiple CD players. I burn CDs of my show and ship to some of our LIFE Network radio stations. I download mp3 files and am talking with some friends about podcasting my show and expanding it. So I don’t have my head in the techno-sand, but…

…there’s just something about touching the music that I like. I watch the needle tracking across the vinyl. I get up out of my chair and turn the album over to the other side. You can’t do that with a download.

Listening to life is kind of like playing a vinyl record. You can’t just sit there and expect life to just play without you touching something, and getting involved. So reach out and touch God’s music as you make a life today.


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