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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"Are you aging today?"

I was thinking about aging the other day. It seems to me that we want to live to be 100 years old, but none of us want to look it. We want to be 100, but look 25. So we rub lotions and potions on our wrinkles to hide them. And when we can’t hide them, we inject them with botox. And when that doesn’t work, we nip, tuck, lift, and pull.

And what about our hair and teeth? We don’t want our hair to turn white, but we can’t get our teeth white enough.

So we put stuff on our hair to keep the white covered up and stuff on our teeth to bleach the brown. We want our teeth white and our hair dark.

Sure, your body ages, but your spirit lives eternally. So what kind of shape is your spirit in? Are you growing your spirit closer to God everyday by listening to life and making a life, not just a living? Or, do you just keep applying stuff to it, too?

Today, just for today, try taking a little time out to spend with God. Talk to God. Listen to God. Do what God says. And see how much younger you feel.


At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all need to be like my Aunt Myrtle Craft of Danville, VA who was 100 years YOUNG on May 29th. I attended her Birthday celebration at the Stratford Inn and watched all our relatives and friends speak about her life and her walk with our Lord. She definitely does not age! She walks with the walk and talks the talk daily with our Lord and this keeps her YOUNG! Our Lord is shown in all phases of her life and such an inspiration for all of us to follow. She says that the Lord tells us one of three things daily about something: "no", "yes" or "maybe" and he loves us just the same. Praise the Lord for AGE! and thank you for alerting us that age is doesn't matter with the Lord!


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