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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Are the best things in life free?

A friend of mine was traveling through South Carolina when she exited at a rest stop near Gaffney. She noticed a table of books with a sign on it that read, “Free Books.” Well, of course, that got her attention so she looked through the books, and picked up a couple. They were about hope. Stamped in the books was “Cherokee County Literacy Association.”

When she got back to her home, she ran into a friend who was feeling very blue, like she didn’t have any hope. My friend remembered the free book, went home and got it, and took it to her despairing friend.

After a few days, the phone rang and it was her hopeless friend, only now, she was much better. She’d read the book, was inspired by it, and had a much better attitude. She called to say “Thank you!”

My friend wrote a letter to the Cherokee County Literacy Association, telling this story, and enclosed a contribution to their mission, sharing how much of a difference the book made in all their lives.

The best things in life really are free, when sent by God!


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