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Monday, December 07, 2009

"What’s your choice—passion or misery?"

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I walk into lots of new places, most of them businesses, and have discovered that I get lots of different receptions. The receptions run from “Hi! How may I help you?” to “Yea? Whadda you want?”

You’ve gotten those same receptions. You can tell almost immediately who’s passionate about what he’s doing and who’s not, who’s doing a great job because she loves what she does and who she is and who’s just miserable.

So what creates the difference between “How may I help you?” and “Whadda you want?” It’s the personal choice to make a life and a living or to just make a living. If you make a life and a living, you listen to life for opportunities to invest yourself in others’ well-being, knowing that’s the path to spiritual and financial success. If you just make a living, others merely interrupt your pursuit of money.

So what’s your choice? God gives us one another to help along the way so choose your passion, not misery as you listen to life today and make a life, not just a living.

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