"Are you resilient?"
Do you remember from your childhood falling trying to ride your bike? What did you do? You got up and rode again, right?
What about playing Little League baseball and someone hit a fly ball to you and you dropped it? You played in the next game, right?
Do you remember hitting a golf shot into the lake? You played another round, right?
And how about having an accident while driving, or getting a speeding ticket? You have driven a lot since then, right?
When has someone told you, “You can’t do that?” and you actually did it, proving them wrong?
As you listen to life and make a life, not just a living, keep these memories plugged into the images flashing through your mind all the time. The time is coming, and very soon, when you will be tempted to feel like a failure just because something didn’t go exactly right. When it does, recall these memories of times when God was with you, helping you to be resilient. And get up and go after it one more time as you make a life, not just a living.
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