"Is your slip showing?"
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Last month I told you about my “illegal operation” computer experience during a presentation. That story prompted someone who listens to life with us through our website at www.ListentoLife.org to write about a presentation experience she had. It seems her presentation included links and one link wasn’t cooperating. So she sat down to work the screen for a moment. She leaned forward in her chair, which had rollers for feet, and you know what happened next—that’s right, the chair flipped out from under her and she sat down, sprawled on the floor.
She doesn’t have good knee strength which meant she had to get on all fours to try to get up. So here she is crawling along, trying to get up, while her audience is gasping. She tells them, “Don’t worry. Only my dignity is hurt, but what an attention-grabber!”
They all laugh, including her, reminding her that no matter how foolish she looks in life, God looks after her and still loves her through it all.
So no matter what happens to you today, laugh, and make a life, not just a living.
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