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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

"Is life a God-thing?"

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I called a friend recently for our standing Saturday morning talk. He wasn’t having a good morning.
“I woke up this morning to find our dog dead,” he said. “So I had to bury him.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said. He went on to tell me that his wife and two daughters were out of town and he dreaded having to tell them. But he had told his wife and she would have to do it alone.

“But something happened,” he said. “Some friends of ours asked the girls to dog-sit their 10-week old puppy for the weekend. So the girls slept with this puppy between them last night and they get to play with him for a couple of more days. Do you think that God sent this puppy to comfort my daughters?”

“Sure sounds like a God-thing to me,” I told him.

When were you hurting from a loss or disappointment and God sent someone to comfort you? Sure, that was a God-thing, too.

Make a life, not just a living today and know that God is with you in all the times of your life.

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