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Monday, September 01, 2008

"How do you measure age?"

I went back to one of my favorite fast-food restaurants recently, knowing it might happen. It had always happened at breakfast, not lunch, so I thought I was safe. But I wasn’t. I ordered my meal and heard the cashier repeat my order and then add those dreaded words—"SENIOR BEVERAGE."

I sighed heavily because I’m seven years too young to receive a senior beverage, evidently sighing louder than I thought because the cashier said, "Is something wrong, sir? You only have to be 55 for the senior discount." I muttered something about, "I thought lunch was safe" and "This is my last time coming here" as I walked away shaking my head.

I told my wife about my experience that evening. She listened quietly and carefully, then said, "Promise me you’ll keep that little kid alive in you forever; no matter how many senior beverages you get."

I smiled, because I do love to laugh and kid around and play. I’m just a big kid regardless of how much gray hair I have…or no hair. That’s just the way God made me. So thanks for listening to life with me, honey…I promise!


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