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Monday, February 18, 2008

"Do you know that you’re being watched?"

My wife was shopping with our two daughters. There’s nothing particularly new about that—a mother and two daughters shopping. And it was an uneventful trip…

…until they were at the cash register. My wife gave the cashier some money. And the cashier gave my wife her change. When my wife counted the change, she noticed that the girl had given her a nickel too much.

"Here," she said, "You gave me a nickel too much change."

"Aw, you could have kept it," the cashier said.

"Yes, I could have," my wife said, "but little eyes are watching."

Somebody’s eyes are always watching, aren’t they? If not your children, it’s the person behind you in the checkout line. Or, the person driving in the lane next to you that you’re tempted to cut off in traffic. Or, the person listening to your conversation in the elevator. Or, the person in the cubicle next to you at work.
As you’re being watched, show others how to listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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