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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Does what goes around really come around?"

A few years ago I cleaned out my library. I had a pretty good collection of books I’d accumulated through the years. I had learned what I was going to from them so I decided to give most of them away, except for a few special ones given me by friends and others I couldn’t part with. So some went to a prison library and the rest went to Goodwill.

Fast forward a few years to a conversation I had recently with a young friend. She and her mom are learning sign language. The instructor tells the class, "And you’ll want to find a good book to guide you in learning sign language." Then holding one up she says, "This is the best one I’ve ever found, but I’m not sure it’s in print anymore."

So my young friend and her mom went up after class to look at the book and get its title, opened it up, and guess who’s name was on the inside? Yep, that’s right. It was one of the books I had given Goodwill.

What goes around truly does come around. That book found its way back to a friend. Give today as you make a life, and know that it will come back.


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