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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

"Who do you fight?"

I went out on the porch off of our den, just to get some air for a few minutes; you know, taking a break. As I stepped out on the porch, I almost stepped on this beautiful, red-headed woodpecker that was dead. I was stunned that such a gorgeous bird was dead on my porch. He was too big for our cats to attack, but I looked him over carefully anyway, and there was no blood, no obvious signs of attack.

So I turned around to see what he would have seen on the porch and there it was—my own reflection in the glass door. It was mating season at the time and evidently he saw his reflection in the glass door, thought it was another male to be fought off from his territory, and just kept attacking it until he died. That explained why there was no sign of attack. He just kept banging his head on the door until he died.

How often do you fight yourself? Injuring yourself when you think you’re hurting someone else? I guess we all do it, but you don’t have to.

Find God’s plan for peace as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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