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Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Do you ever get caught doing something good?"

I decided not to wait until the last minute this year to do my wife’s Mother’s Day shopping. So about two weeks before the big day, I took off on my lunch hour to get her presents. The previous week, my younger daughter and I bought the necessary cards and a special T-shirt she just had to have for her mother. So, knowing exactly what I wanted, because I talked with my older daughter, I went to the Super-Center, where I immediately walked up to what I wanted, made my purchases, and headed to the door…

…when what to my wandering eyes should appear but my wife, smiling, pushing her buggy right toward me, staring at my bag.

Now understand that I had called her earlier to see if she had any plans to go shopping. She had none. So I thought I was safe.

But I wasn’t. I was caught doing something good.

But I guess that’s a lot better than being caught doing something else.

Get caught doing something good for someone else as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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