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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Got gifts?"

On March 23rd of last year, I shared a story about how my aunt gave a special Christmas present to my brother and me. She gave us two vases that looked just look alike and came from my grandparents’ home. She included with them a letter about the vases, telling us how they were special because they were part of a pair. And how she gave them to us to remind us of how even though those vases are apart now, they still belong to each other. Just like my brother and I, though separated by miles, belong to each other as family.

Well, someone who listens to life with us through my blog at drjoey.blogspot.com wrote: “I have adult boys who, for the most part, get along beautifully, but don’t always see eye to eye. This particular story caught my eye and I clipped it on my mirror. So for Christmas, I gave identical candle holders to each of them. I ‘used’ your article along with them, and both boys have the candle holders where they see them every day!”

Ask God who you can gift in a special relationship like this. You’ll be amazed as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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