"Do you know God makes life easier on you?"
One of our friends, who listens to life with us through our website at listentolife.org, recently emailed to say, “Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your stories everyday. Today the story about the hummingbirds was great. This past Sunday morning it was such a joy for me to watch them. Just so you’ll know, there is a hummingbird plant that is wonderful and it returns every year. It has small trumpet blooms that are red. With the hummingbird plant, all the little birds have to do is stick their tiny snouts in and drink. God made it just for them and they don't have to work so hard.”
God makes life easier on us, makes it so we don’t have to work so hard, by designing life just for us. All we have to do to enjoy God’s blessings is to stick our spirits in and drink deeply of the sweet goodness of life.
Of course, seeing life this way—as full of abundance—means you focus on making a life, not just a living, as you listen to life today for what God has to say.
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