Got forgiveness and grace?
A friend who listens to life with us through our website at recently wrote to share with me a story about her college-aged daughter. It seems a friend of the daughter was struggling with life and searching for some answers.
He discovered that he has an obsessive-compulsive disorder and began treatment. And about this same time, he discovered how much God loves him and began a personal relationship with God. The mother of the daughter wrote me to say that the daughter had given her friend a copy of one of my books and that he was enjoying reading it.
But the part of that story that caught my attention was this—many of the people I’ve known that are OCD, try to make their worlds perfect, with everything in order and just so. Of course their pursuit of perfection is constantly frustrated by all of us imperfect people. Making a life requires a lot of forgiveness and grace. So for this young man to discover such a diagnosis and God’s forgiveness and grace about the same time makes sense, doesn’t it?
Listen to life and discover God’s forgiveness and grace for yourself today.
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