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Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Do you enjoy new things?"

Margaret Wheatley talks about hearing a beach geologist being interviewed on the radio. And at the time he was interviewed, there was a storm. One of the large hurricanes was pounding the Outer Banks of North Carolina. And he was being interviewed about what hurricanes do to beaches.

Now, we all know what hurricanes do to beaches and beach houses and such. They destroy homes and take down power lines and take away sand, and whole beaches disappear in a hurricane.

Well, the geologist said, “You know, I can’t wait to get out on those beaches again once these storms have passed. And I hope to get out there in the next 24 hours.” And the interviewer said, “What do you expect to find out there?” The beach geologist said, “I expect to find a new beach.”

The next time a storm blows around you, and you feel the sand shifting beneath your feet, and your heart is howling, expect to find something new. Life is constant newness, everyday. Welcome the new after the storm and look for God in the new as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.


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