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Monday, June 01, 2009

"Do you slow down much?"

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 A friend who listens to life with me through our website at www.listentolife.org emailed me to let me know that according to the charts, the hummingbirds were in my part of the world. My friend knows how much I love birds and that I put out feeders every year for them. She wanted to make sure I put those feeders out in time for the advance scouts to find them and tell the other birds about them.

 Well, I put the feeders out and watched for the hummingbirds. No hummingbirds. When I was out pruning rose bushes and planting new ones, I listened for those little squawks. No hummingbirds. When I spent the day putting out mulch, I looked at the feeders every time I passed by. No hummingbirds.

 And then I thought about how God puts out nourishment for us every day of our lives, wanting us to drink up the delicious pleasures of life provided for us, and we just fly on by. So today, slow down long enough to find the delightful delicacies God’s put out for you as you listen to life. (And yes, the hummingbirds finally showed up!)

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