"What’s your scar?"
Some years ago, my left hand started swelling. Soon cellulitis set in and my thumb and index finger started convulsing. That got my attention so I went to the doctor.
Of course, we went through the typical round of questioning about my activities, and where I’d been recently and what I’d done and with whom. Then the doctor examined my hand in great detail with a magnifying glass. He zeroed in on one little area, saying to himself, “Hmmm…Do you remember being bit by a spider?”
“No,” I said.
“Well,” he said, “I believe you have. There are two bite marks on your hand that remind me of a brown recluse bite. They hide out in corners in your home, and you can’t see them unless you’re looking for them. They bite you and most often, you don’t even know it until you swell up like you have.”
Every time I look at the scar from that bite, I think about that experience when something hidden bit me.
Life’s like that you know. What you don’t see might bite you. So ask God to protect you as you listen to life and make a life, not just a living.
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