"Are you staying?"
It seems as if all I’m hearing these days is bad news, mostly centered around the world economy. I’m observing a lot of people becoming so frightened that they’re not trying. They are afraid of failing.
Maybe you’re one of them. Well, if you are, while you probably don’t remember it, you failed the first time you tried to walk. But you got up and kept trying until you stayed up on your wobbly legs. You’re walking today, right?
And I’ll bet you almost drowned the first time tried to swim, didn’t you? But you stayed in the water until you learned to trust it to support you. Today you swim, right?
Did you hit or kick a ball the first time you swung at it? You may have fallen flat on your backside, but you stayed after it until you made contact. You can hit or kick a ball, right?
Winston Churchill once said, “Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”
Ask God to give you courage to stay in life and keep trying so you can listen to life and make a life, not just a living today.
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