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Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Does anything much happen around where you live?"

Sometimes, it seems like all of the world’s significant activity happens somewhere else, doesn’t it? And nothing much happens around where you live, does it? Or, does it? I guess it depends on what you’re looking for and how you’re listening to life.

In 1925, the New York World celebrated the birthday of Abraham Lincoln with a cartoon that has two Kentucky farmers, talking over a picket fence. One farmer asks, "Anything new happen lately?" And the other farmer says, "Nothing much. A new baby was born over at Tom Lincoln's place, but nothing much ever happens around here."

Do you have an attitude of "Nothing much ever happens around here?" If you do, remember: you just never really know who’s being born next door, do you? A leader of your country or a Nobel Prize winner or the researcher who cures cancer or the negotiator of world peace could be born in your community. Despite your attitude of "Nothing much ever happens around here," it could...and today could be the day! So listen to your life today and watch some amazing things happen.


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