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Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Is your job just a job?"

A mail carrier spent most of his day sorting and delivering mail, but he did more than just a job. He’d take a few minutes to listen to a lonely senior adult who might not hear from anyone else all day. He helped some recent immigrants find English tutors. He referred a woman who was the victim of domestic violence to a shelter. He learned Spanish so he could talk with some Hispanic families on his route. He took a CPR class in case anyone on his route needed immediate medical attention. He discovered that a business on his route was looking for a secretary. At another stop on his route, he found a woman who was a secretary for a company that went bankrupt. He sent the woman to the business and they hired her. This guy’s job was far more than a job.

What about your job? Is it just a job, just a paycheck? Or, is it more than that? Is your job a career, a career filled with open doors of opportunity for helping others? Listen to your life at work today and make a life, not just a living.


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